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About Access Polity
Access Polity is India’s first exclusive job portal for political jobs in India, unlocking 100s of opportunities in the policy and political ecosystem. Access Polity is NETRI’s first step to aggregate the fragmented political space by bringing all the political actors who provide opportunities for political participation under one platform.
It is built on the principles of accessibility, transparency, and equitability, with a gender lens to create a safe space for women to become a part of the political ecosystem.
At Access Polity, we are reshaping the landscape of Indian politics and public policy. We understand that the path to success in this dynamic field requires not only talent but also precision, support, and inclusivity. Our mission is to empower both organizations and aspiring professionals to thrive in this ever-evolving domain.
Access Polity by NETRI
We are India’s first political incubator and aggregator for women in politics. We work towards inclusive political change at the macro level by transforming individual lives through mentorship, training programmes, and building a community of women in the Indian politics and public policy ecosystem.
NETRI has partnered with national, international, and local organizations working on different dimensions of women’s empowerment to guarantee economic, political, and social access. We ensure success on either end of the political and policy hiring process by identifying and nurturing talent as well as matching talent with discerning employers. NETRI’s unique model of selecting hand-picked and highly-trained individuals for specific roles ensures that deserving candidates are given every opportunity to succeed while our clients and partners are assured of high-quality assets.
Why Access Polity?
Precision Matching: We curate a pool of political talent primed to excel in your consulting ecosystem, aligning seamlessly with each employer’s objectives.
Diversity & Inclusion: Access Polity is at the forefront of driving gender inclusion in Indian politics. We invite all stakeholders to partner with us to lead the charge for a more balanced political landscape.
Talent Management: Beyond recruitment, we provide holistic support, mentoring, and a peer community to tackle professional challenges head-on, reducing the employers’ management burden.
Experience the Access Polity Difference
Our platform isn’t just a hiring tool; it’s a partner in helping organisations create their own success story. We handle talent acquisition, nurturing, and development, allowing our clients to focus on what they do best: delivering political excellence.
Your Dream Jobs Are Waiting
Over 1 million interactions, 50,000 success stories Make yours now.
Testimonials From Our Customers
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Great quality!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Brooklyn Simmons
Web Developer

Good Jobs!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Ronald Richards

Great quality!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Ashley Jenkins

Good Jobs!
Without JobHunt i’d be homeless, they found me a job and got me sorted out quickly with everything! Can’t quite… The Mitech team works really hard to ensure high level of quality
Brooklyn Simmons
Web Developer
How It Works?
Job for anyone, anywhere

Free Resume Assessments
Employers on average spend 31 seconds scanning
resumes to identify potential matches.

Job Fit Scoring
Our new fit meter shows you which jobs are most
relevant to your skills and interests.

Help Every Step of the Way
Our career advice section is full of information
to help you identify the right fit.
Testimonials from our Candidates
In the journey of creating a safe space for women to become a part of the political ecosystem.
Such an inspiring organisation
I would want to express my sincere gratitude to NETRI for this fantastic experience. I consider myself privileged to have the opportunity to work with such an inspiring organisation. I had the opportunity to get to know some wonderful and driven women through my volunteer work, and I'm thrilled that this is what feminist movement will be like in the future. So content and proud. Finally, all NETRIs who aspire to lead and inspire others should live by this mantra: "कुछ तो लोग कहेंगे, लोगों का काम है केहना."

Ayantika Das
DU Student
Helped me build self-confidence
Over the three years of my undergraduate degree I have seen people struggling to get into the space of politics, especially coming from a women’s college. I have myself faced a lot of random comments from people. Volunteering at NETRI Foundation not only provided the opportunity to make people aware that politics is not just a space for power but also gave me confidence.

Kashish Goyal
DU Student
The torch bearer of politics
Netri Foundation paved the way for my political career.It helped me to be a torch bearer of politics and a first gen political analyst in my family.The YBF fellowship provided me with an excellent opportunity to showcase my public policy and research skills towards practicality and result driven approach.

Sneha Sarraju
IYC, YBF Fellow
Working on a project to make politics safer for women
After the completion of the Tamil Nadu programme, I enrolled myself into the Samaanta programme. Earlier, I have been a member of the All India Professionals Congress and subsequently came across, and joined NETRI. Alongside, I have also been involved in NETRI’s programmes. Some of us from the Tamil Nadu programme have since then started working on a project to make politics safer for women. This project is in-process right now. Apart from these, I am trying to help some other women participate in politics, as they plan to stand in the upcoming elections. Primarily, I am not interested in electoral politics, but I am interested in working the background. I am currently a part of the core committee in Orissa Congress, and I am working along with them.

Manisha Nanda
AIPC, Odisha
Helped me focus and be more effective
Since my association with NETRI ended, I have joined BJP in 2020, and have been involved in social work. My family offered me to join the party and become the Muzaffarpur zila mahamantri for the women’s wing of the party. I have also been involved in COVID relief work on behalf of the party, as well as worked for the electoral campaigns for the local party candidate. I am currently serving as the Pradesh Mahamantri for NamoNamo morcha that has been launched by the party, as well.

Ipsha Pathak
BJP, Bihar